Tuesday, 26 November 2013

HSE Scoring Sheet, Part 1

Hey everyone.

Over on our Facebook page we've been doing up a little guide to the "Site Selection Format" - or the scoring system used by the HSE to make their decision to shut down the ward for those who are acutely psychiatrically unwell in Ballinasloe.

The document is simple: There are 13 questions, each facility (Ballinasloe and Roscommon) is marked out of 10 (with ten being the highest mark you can get for matching the criteria). We're going to go through the first six questions here. Ask yourself: are these the questions you would ask if you were making a choice of this nature? (hint: probably not).

Brace yourself.

Question 1: Is the location adjacent to a 'Major' or 'Regional' Hospital?
Roscommon:  10 (Excellent)   
Ballinasloe:  3 (Below average)
Roscommon gets a 10 here, presumably because the unit there is attached to Roscommon County Hospital (which is a level 2 hospital). Portinuncula in Ballinasloe is a level 3 hospital, and is the hospital of referral for Roscommon County Hospital. Consequentially, this scoring is problematic for the following reasons:
  •  The #GE22 unit in Ballinasloe is just over 3km from Portiuncula Hospital (a level 3, and therefore higher grade hospital). In light of this we'd assume the mark should be somewhat more balanced. 
  • A €5 million euro unit like the one in Ballinasloe has been approved in Mullingar and this unit is 3.1km from their general hospital. They are almost negating the need to ask this question at all by clearly showing that this particular piece of criteria is not an issue in other cases.
  • Portiuncula hospital has A&E services, and is a higher grade hospital than Roscommon County Hospital; any serious breakages, cardiac emergencies, maternity issues among many other things are frequently referred to Portiuncula (if not on to Galway). The GE22 unit places service users much closer to these more specialist and emergency services, and results in fewer transferrs of service users which eat into our already depleted ambulance resources.

Question 2: Is the location accessible to a range of medical/surgical/liaison therapeutic services?

Roscommon: 7 (above average)
Ballinasloe: 5 (average)

Definitely an important question.
But it's clear that many of the basic points already listed above have once again, not been taken into consideration while scoring this. So for the sake of clarity, we'll reiterate, and we'll add a diagram or two:
  • Portiuncula Hospital has an A&E unit, and a range of other services like cardiology for example, while Roscommon County does not. 
  • As stated above, Portiuncula is a higher grade hospital. 
  • Again, patients are routinely referred from Roscommon to Portiuncula. 
  • Ballinasloe has better access to Galway University Hospital (See maps if you're not from the area, note the journey times by the directions on the left of each map, 41 minutes from Ballinasloe to Galway, over double that from Roscommon to Galway).

Ara sure everyone loves having an extra 42 minutes on the road.
It's not like them ambulances have anywhere else they need to be anyway, right?  

Question 3: Is the location suitable as regards to the provision of a high observation unit?

Roscommon: 10 (excellent)
Ballinasloe: 3 (Below average)

This mark is outright ridiculous.
  • €2.8 million of taxpayer's money went into refurbishing the purpose built acute admission unit in Ballinasloe. It is the single most modern bit of infrastructure the HSE has. It has specific provision for observation and is a ligature free environment (i.e it is practically impossible to hang oneself). A situation that, regrettably, does not exist in Roscommon.
  • The HSE have been quoted as saying that more money will have to be spent in Roscommon to bring it up to standard. (read: to the same standard as the #GE22 unit in Ballinasloe). 
The over-stretched tax payer has to fork out again, because the HSE are making a decision to shut down the unit with the better facilities? Even though they're currently actively investing in similar facilities elsewhere? 

Question 4: Is the location suitable as regards proximity to relevant third level medical, nursing and other clinical education services?

Roscommon: 3 (below average)
Ballinasloe: 5 (average)

HALLELUJAH, a basic knowledge of geography and primary routes at last. Yes, yes, Ballinasloe IS closer to Athlone and Galway, which both have the aforementioned relevant third level medical educational services. Maybe whoever marked this question should have a chat with whoever marked question 2.

...Angry yet? You're going to LOVE this one.

Question 5: Is the location suitable as regards accessibility within the catchment by private road transport, including emergency vehicles?

Roscommon: 7 (above average)

Ballinasloe: 5 (average)
  • Ballinasloe is on the M6 with easy access to Galway and Dublin. See the map above if you're confused.
  • Roscommon ambulances travel the M6 to Galway (for the comfort of the service user). They pass both the Ballinasloe unit and Portiuncula Hospital. See the map above.
Have the HSE secretly invented a teleporter? That or the HSE think it's okay to put a document as delicate as this one in the hands of someone so incompetent that they're incapable of using google maps.

If you don't think this whole survey reeks of arbitrary bias yet, just wait until you read...

Question 6: Is the location geographically suitable to support easy access to admission in the context of the location of the planned unit at GUH (Galway University Hospital)?

Seeing as we've answered this question three times this should be an easy one...

Oh...I guess not. 

Let's take a beat here, and just think about the implications of this.

 This is a copy of an official document from the HSE, folks, but you'll note it lacks the finesse of copy editing that you'd expect from a state institution, that it denotes a basic obliviousness to the seriousness and sensitivity of this issue. We come to the HSE with a plea to save public services, a plea for compassion, for common sense, for longer term thinking. In response they can't even summon the will to make a basic amendment to a word document. In the same breath, they tell us we're just going to have to trust them when they say these people will be provided for.

We're asking them for the dignity of our service users. And this is what we get it return. It's callous, lazy, and betrays only a disdainful attitude towards some of the most vulnerable people in our country.

But wait. We've got seven more questions to go, maybe we've got it wrong. Maybe we're being hasty. Let's put this question to the HSE at this half time point. It's multiple choice so even the person who clearly can't read a map can participate.

Is the disgraceful handling of this document so far a sign of:

a) Mind blowing ignorance, on the parts of everyone who was involved with the creation and approval of this document
b) Apathy/contempt towards those who are mentally unwell, on the parts of everyone who was involved with the creation and approval of this document
c) Abritrary political bias, on the parts of everyone who was involved with the creation and approval of this document
d) All of the above

And if it's none of the above, could you kindly point out what part of this document ISN'T matched by the above descriptions? We're having trouble seeing it.

It's becoming pretty clear now why Minister Kathleen Lynch will in no way consent to an independent review; even this extremely basic document isn't standing up to scrutiny. We've got seven questions still to go. If you can't wait for our next blog post, you can see them on our facebook page. We'll be analysing the final seven questions here over the coming days. (Edit: You can read part 2 here now).

If we've got the stomach.

GE22 team



Thursday, 26 September 2013

DATE CHANGE: 2nd Public Meeting to save the GE22: Monday 7th, 8pm, Gullane's Hotel

Hello everyone,

We have decided to change the date of our meeting in order to best facilitate attendance by public representatives. The committee is making contact with as many of our public representatives as possible to encourage them to attend.

The meeting will take place in Gullane's Hotel on Monday 7th at 8pm. If we have public representatives in attendance, it's really important that we have as many people there as possible, so here's how you can help us: 
  • If you're on facebook, please Share the event, or hit attending if you're coming - this will encourage others to attend. You can find the event here.
  • You can also like our facebook page here
  • If you're on twitter, follow us, tweet during the meeting and use the #GE22 hashtag to show your support. You can find us on twitter here.
  • Ask your friends and family to do all of the above (this is an especially great way to get younger members of our community involved - this is their community too and we need their voices).
  • If you know anyone who wants more information on what's been going on, direct them to this blog - all our news coverage is constantly updated here. 
Thank you everyone for all your support!

GE22 Team

Monday, 23 September 2013

Second Public Meeting: Wednesday October 2nd

Hello #GE22 supporters,

There will be a second public meeting over the closure of the 22 acute psychiatric unit in Gullane's Hotel in Ballinasloe at 8pm on Wednesday October 2nd.  At this meeting a delegation will update the public on the most recent efforts to save this unit, including the meeting last week with Minister Kathleen Lynch.

We've got a facebook event set up to help you spread the word, and we'll be reminding our supporters to attend via our facebook page and our twitter feed.

Spread the word, save our hospital!

GE22 Team

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

September Coverage (regularly updated)

In order of date, here is whatever coverage of the #GE22 issue we've been able to find online.

19/09/2013 - "Consultation to begin over closure of Ballinasloe unit", Galway Bay FM, author unknown

18/09/2013 - "Deputation meet Minister over plans to close Ballinasloe psychiatric unit", The Connacht Tribune, author unknown

16/09/2013 - "HSE to use €2.8m mental health unit for offices", The Independent, reported by Brian McDonald.

16/09/2013 - "Protest at closure of acute psychiatric unit in Ballinasloe", IMPACT, author unknown.

15/09/2013 - "Thousands march over mental health unit in Galway", The Irish Times, reported by Brian McDonald

15/09/2013 - "Hundreds protest against Ballinasloe Psychiatric Unit Closure"The Journal, reported by Christina Finn.

15/09/2013 - "Protestors march against proposed closure of mental health unit in Galway", Newstalk, author unknown.

15/09/2013 - "Protest begins against plan to close hospital acute ward", Breaking News, author unknown

15/09/2013 - "Over 1,000 protest in Ballinasloe at proposed closure of acute psychiatric unit", The Connacht Tribune, author unknown.

15/09/2013 - "Protest over Ballinasloe psychiatric unit closure", RTE, author unknown.

15/09/2013 - "Massive turn-out expected for march to save mental health unit", The Connacht Tribune, reported by Ciaran Tierney

14/09/2013 - "Ballinasloe protest over planned closure of psychiatric unit", Galway Bay FM, author unknown.

14/09/2013 - "Protest over closure of acute mental health unit in Co. Galway", The Irish Times, author unknown.

14/09/2013- "Public March on Sunday in Ballinasloe over proposed closure of St. Brigid's acute mental health unit", Midwest Radio, author unknown.

Reports with audio/ Podcasts

16/09/2013 - "Ballinasloe Hospital Closure Protest", Today with Seán O'Rourke, RTE Radio 1, report by Valerie Cox.

16/09/2013 - "Ballinasloe community vow to keep unit open", Shannonside FM, author unknown - includes audio from a service user's father.

16/09/2013 - "Over 200 support Ballinasloe Rally", Shannonside FM, author unknown - includes audio of Noel Giblin, National secretary of the Psychiatric Nurses Association.

15/09/2013 - "Protestors gather at Ballinasloe mental health unit", Midlands 103FM Radio, author unknow, includes audio of TD Denis Naughten.

10/09/2013 - "TD: Unit closure will increase pressure on EDs", Shannonside FM, author unknown - includes audio of TD Denis Naughten.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

#GE22 on RTE News and The Journal.ie

Hey everyone,

We are delighted with the turnout for the protest today. It's great to see that so many of us are willing to fight to protect mental health in our community. Thanks to Padraig Mulligan (IMPACT), Dr. Aonraí Finnegan (local docotor), John McDermott (Roscommon Hospital Action Group), Noel Giblin (PNA), Bishop John Kirby, Mike Kelly (Mayor of Ballinasloe), Mike O'Reilly (Parent of service user).

We were also happy to see RTE news report about the protest - let's hope they stay with us and keep an eye on this crucially important issue. You can watch it here (5:01- 7:10),  and you can see the article posted on the RTE website here. The Journal.ie also posted an article today after the protest, you can read it here.

Don't forget to join us on facebook and twitter (and if you're tweeting, please use the #GE22 hashtag).

Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

GE22 team

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Hey folks!

Online networking sites are a really important part of our identities nowadays - our profile pictures are often the exact pictures we want to show people who we really are. So if you support the cause of the Galway East 22, changing your profile picture to the picture above will go a long way towards getting the conversation started - and keep it going until we have the 22 beds we so sorely need for people who are acutely unwell.

Thank you!

GE22 team

On twitter @galwayeast22
On facebook.com/eastgalway22

August Coverage

Here are some publications that gave the issue of the closure of this unit some coverage, ordered by date. Click the title of the article to read the post.

30/08/2013 - "Ballinasloe Locals to Protest at Bed Closures", The Athlone Advertiser, author unknown

27/08/2013 - "Community seeks to save Ballinasloe mental health unit", The Irish Times, reported by Brian McDonald

21/08/2013 - "Junior Minister joins the chorus to stall closure of Ballinasloe's psychiatric facility", The Connacht Tribune, reported by Ciaran Tierney

20/08/2013 - "Minister says closure of Ballinasloe psychiatric unit was premature", Galway Bay FM Newsroom, author unknown

16/08/2013 - "Protest against St. Brigid's bed closures", The Galway Independent, reported by Lorraine O'Hanlon

14/08/2013 - " "Complete act of Nonsense"", The Galway Independent, reported by Marie Brennan

9/08/2013 - "IMPACT seeks LRC concilation on Ballinasloe bed closures", IMPACT Member's E-Bulletin, author unknown

9/08/2013 - "Ballinasloe acute psychiatric unit to close by end of year", The Athlone Advertiser, reported by Finian Coughlan

8/08/2013 - "Mental health unit to be closed after €2.8 million spent to make it the best in Ireland", The Irish Mirror, reported by Sarah Bardon

7/08/2013 - "Ballinasloe closure branded a 'stitch up'", The Galway Independent, reported by Marie Brennan

Reports that include audio/Podcasts 

16/08/2013 - "Ballinsloe protest over mental health unit", Shannonside FM, author unknown - includes audio of Cllr. Dermot Connolly (SF)

Please drop us an e-mail on galwayeast22@gmail.com if you've noticed any omissions.

Thanks for reading!

GE22 team